Automated and Clean Vehicle Technologies
An Urban-Rural Divide? Preferences for Autonomous Vehicles in Small and Med-Sized Metropolitan Areas
Investigate the Impacts of Cybersecurity Breaches on Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) and Road Safety
Increasing the Resilience of Transportation Systems Under a Combination of Cybersecurity Attacks and Extreme Events
Classifier-Aware Defense for Visual Recognition in CAV
Strategizing for Cyber Security Enhancement Autonomous Intersection Management (AIM) Based on Multi Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning (Madrl)
Data-Driven Traffic Control and Management System Attack Pattern Discovery and Hacking Knowledge Extraction for Cyber-Security Enhancement
Deciphering the Factors Associated With Adoption of Alternative Fuel Vehicles in California: An Investigation of Latent Attitudes, Socio-Demographics, and Neighborhood Effects
Effects of Neighborhood Environments on Perceived Risk of Self-Driving
Factors Affecting the Adoption of Autonomous Vehicles for Commute Trips: An Analysis With the 2015 and 2017 Puget Sound Travel Surveys